If you do not understand something on the application or during the application process, ask.
The following information will be necessary as you complete the application:
(a) All sources of money you and any member of your family receive (wages, welfare payments, alimony, social security, pension, monthly monetary assistance, etc.), (b) Any money you receive on behalf of your children (child support, Social Security for children, etc.), (c) Income from assets (interest from a savings account, credit union or certificate of deposit, dividends from stocks, etc.), (d) Earnings from a second job or part time job; and (e) Any anticipated income (such as bonus or pay raise you expect to receive).

(a) All bank accounts, savings bonds, certificates of deposit, stocks, real estate, etc. that are owned by you and any adult member of your family household who will be living with you, (b) Any business or asset you sold in the last 2 years for less than its full value, including your home to your children.
(a) The names of all of the people (adults and children) who will be living with you, whether or not they are related to you. Information you give on the application will be verified by your housing agency. In addition, Beckley Housing Authority may conduct computer matches of income you report with various federal, state or private agencies to verify it is correct.

You must provide updated information at least once a year. The Beckley Housing Authority requires you to report any changes in income or family/household composition immediately. That information could include pay increases or benefits, change of jobs, loss of job, loss of benefits, etc. It could include assets you or your family/household members own or sold in the last 2 years for less than its full value. Finally, it could include providing names of any family/household member who has moved in or out.
Information about your income and your family size is necessary, so we can make sure you are paying the right rent to your landlord and your house or apartment is the right size for your family.
When working with the Authority, be aware of the following fraud schemes:
1. You should not pay to file an application
2. You should not pay for the promise of being moved up the waiting list
3. You should not pay for anything not covered by your lease.
4. You should get a receipt for any money you pay.
5. You should get a written explanation if you are required to pay any money other than rent, for example someone asking you to pay for maintenance.
If you know of anyone who has falsified an application, or if anyone tries to persuade you to make false statements, report them to the Beckley Housing Authority. You can also report them to the Local HUD office in Charleston at 304-347-7000 or the HUD Hotline at 202-472-4200. If you chose, you can write to US Housing and Urban Development, Room 8254, Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20410.